Town municipal owned parks include: Thompson Park (named after a former Julesburg Town Mayor) is just one block from the Julesburg Elementary School Playgrounds and is located at 400 West Fourth Street within the residential area of our Town. It has an open playground area, playground equipment available, beautiful shade trees, public restrooms, a covered pavillion and plenty of picnic tables.
The Meline Park (also named after a former Mayor) is located Ninth and Oak Street within the same two-block area as our Swimming Pool and Ballfield and just across the intersection from the Tennis Court. It has playground equipment and is open to the public year-around.
Our small downtown Mini-Park is located at the corner of Pine and Second Street and is encompassed with beautiful flowerbeds, planted and maintained by our Julesburg Garden Club, a shade tree and a comfortable park bench.
DePoorter Lake, is a 22 acre grassed parcel, has many shade trees, covered picnic area and a restroom facility located just south of Julesburg’s business district along State Hwy. 385. This lake is stocked annually with fish for the enjoyment of licensed fishers. Swimming, hunting, ice skating, ice fishing, alcoholic beverages, marijuana, illegal drugs and motorized vehicles are prohibited.